| 划词

Katherine pulled back the heavy velvet drapes.



Rovers pulled back to 4–3 with a goal two minutes from time.



The platoon pulled back to safety.



Samphire Starboard lowered fishing nets and pulled them back up full of gurnard, sturgeon, and dentex.



In the esophagus, the mucosa collapses against the distal end of the endotracheal tube, thereby limiting the ability to fully pull back on a syringe or for a flexible compressed bulb to reexpand.




non-retractable, nonreturn, non-return, nonreturnable, non-return-to-reference, nonreturn-to-zero, non-return-to-zero, non-return-to-zero-inverse, nonreusable, nonrevenue, non-revenue, nonreversibility, non-reversibility, nonreversible, nonreversing, nonreward, nonrigid, non-rigid, nonrigidity, nonroot, nonrotatable, non-rotatable, non-rotating, nonrotation, nonrotational, Nonruminantia, nonrust, non-rust, nonrusting, nonsaccharine, non-salient, nonsallient, nonsampling, non-sampling, nonsaponifying, non-saponifying, nonsaturable, non-saturable, nonscale, non-scale, non-scaling, non-scene, nonscheduled, nonschlicht, nonscience, non-scouring, nonscrewed, nonsecretor, non-secretory, nonsectarian, non-sectarian, nonsedimentable, non-segregationalloy, nonselective, nonself, nonselfquenching, non-selfquenching, nonsemantic, nonseminoma, nonsemisimple, nonsense, nonsensibility, nonsensical, nonsentence, nonseparable, nonseparated, nonseptate, nonsequence, non-sequence, non-sequential, non-series-parallel, nonserviceable, nonsettling, non-settling, nonsexist, nonsexual, nonshattering, non-shattering, nonshorting, non-shorting, non-shrink, non-shrinking, nonsignificant, nonsine, non-sine, nonsingular, nonsingularity, nonsinusoidal, non-sinusoidal, nonsked, nonskew, nonskid, non-skid, nonskidding, nonslip, non-slip, nonsmoker, non-smoker, nonsoap, nonsocial, nonsociety, nonsolid color, nonsoluble, non-soluble, nonsolute, non-solute, nonsolvency, nonsolvent, non-solvent, nonsorted, nonspacesensitive, nonspace-sensitive, nonsparkability, nonsparkling, nonspecial, non-special, non-specialist, nonspecific, non-specific, nonspectral, non-speculative, nonspherical, nonspinning, non-spinning, nonsporeforming, nonsprayable, non-sprayable, nonspreading, nonstable, nonstaining, non-staining, nonstalment, nonstandard, non-standard, nonstaple, non-staple, nonstarter, non-starter, nonstatic, non-static, nonstationarity, nonstationary, non-stationary, nonstatistical, nonstative, nonsteady, nonsteroid, nonsteroidal, nonstick, non-stick, nonsticking, non-sticking, non-sticky, non-stocked, nonstoichiometric, non-stoichiometric, nonstoichiometry, nonstop, non-stop, nonstop flight, nonstorage, non-storage, nonstraightness, non-stratified, nonstriated, nonstriker, nonstripping, nonstructural, non-structural, nonsuch, nonsuffixal, nonsugar, non-sugar, nonsuit, nonsulfide, nonsulphide, nonsummable, nonsupervision, nonsupport, nonsurfactant, nonsuturated, non-swapable, nonsweating, nonswelling, non-swelling, nonswimmer, non-swimmer, nonswitched, nonsyllabic, nonsymbiotic, non-symbiotic, nonsymmetrical, non-synchronizing, nonsynchronous, nonsynthetic, non-syphilitic, nonsystem, nontacky, non-tacky, nontan, nontangential, non-tangible, nontapering, nontarget, nontariff, non-taster, nontax, nonteaching, nontechnical, nontectonic, nontelevised, nontenure, nonterminal, nonterminating, nonthermal, non-thermal, nontidal, nontight, nontilting, non-tilting, non-time-delay, nontitle, nontopping, nontoxic, non-toxic, nontoxicity, non-toxicity, nontracking, nontrade, nontraditional, nontransferable, nontransitive, non-transitive, nontranslational, non-translational, nontransparency, non-transparency, nontransparent, nontrappable, nontrivial, nontronite, non-tuberculous, nontumorous, nontunable, non-tunable, nontuplet, nonturbulent, non-turbulent, nontype, non-type, nontypical, non-typical, non-U, nonuniform, nonuniformity, nonunion, non-union, nonunionism, nonunionist, nonuniqueness, nonunity, non-unity, nonupdatable, nonuple, nonuplet, nonuploid, nonuploidy, nonus, nonuse, non-use, nonuser, nonutility, nonvalent, nonvanishing, nonvariant, nonvariational, nonvector, non-vectored, nonventilated, nonverbal, non-verbal, nonviable, non-viable, nonvintage, nonviolence, non-violence, nonviolent, non-violent, nonviolent resistance, nonviolently, non-viscous, non-vitreous, non-vitrified, nonvocoid, nonvolatile, non-volatile, nonvolatile storage, non-volatilisation, nonvolatility, non-volatility, nonvortex, nonvoter, nonvoting, non-voting, nonwandering, non-washed, nonwatertight, non-watertight, nonweathering, nonweldable, nonwelding, non-Western, non-wetable, nonwettable, non-wetted, nonwetting, nonwhite, non-White, nonword, nonworkdays, nonwoven, nonyellowing, nonyielding, nonyl, nonylene, nonylone, nonyne, nonzero, noodle, noodlehead, noodles, noodlework, noogenesis, noogenic, nook, nookery, nookie, nook-nook, nooky, noology, noon, noonday, Noone, no-one, noonflower, nooning, noonkambahite, noon-mark, noonstead, Noontec, noontide, noontime, no-operation, no-ops, noopsyche, Noordholland, noose, noosphere, noost, noothymopsychic, Nootka, nootkatone, nootropic, NOP, No-Pack, nopal, nopaline, nopalry, nopalxochia, no-par, no-parallax, nope, NOPEC, nopinane, nopinene, no-pitching, noplace, no-place, noplaceville, no-pull, nor, Nora, NORAD, noradrenalin, noradrenaline, noradrenergic, noralite, noramidopyrine, norandrostenolone, nor-anhydroicaritin, NORASIA, no-raster, norator, noratropine, Norbak, norbergite, Norbert, Norbide, norbiotin, norbornane, norborneol, norbuxamine, NORC, norcholane, NORCO, norcoleucine, nord, nordefrin, nordenskioldine, Nordic, Nordiska, nordite, nordmarkite, nordo, nordstrandite, nore, nor'easter, Noreen, norephedrine, norepinephrine, Norepol, norethindrone, norethynodrel, NoRevert, norflurazone, Norfolk, Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island pine, Norfolk jacket, Norfolk Terrier, Norge, norgestrel, norgine, Norgren, norhopane, norhyoscyamine, nori, noria, noricariin, Norilsk, norilskite, norimipramine, Noris, norite, noritic, norium, nork, norkool, norland, norlander, norleucine, nor-leucine, Norlig, norlutate, norm, Norma, normability, Normagal, normal, normal curve, normal distribution, normal fault, normal school, normal-butyl, normalcy, normalise, normality, normalizable, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizedvalue, normalizer, normalizing, normalizing-quenching-tempering, normally, normal-mode, normals, normalsample, normaltoxin, Norman, norman bethune, Norman Conquest, Norman French, normande, Normandy, Normanesque, Norman-French, Normanise, Normanism, Normanize, Normans, normarkite, Normasal, normathermia, normative, normatron, normed, normelan, normergia, normergic, normergy, Normkultur, normobaric, normoblast, normoblastic, normoblastosis, normocalcemic, normochromasia, normochromatic, normochromia, normochromic, normochromocyte, normocrinic, normocrythrocyte, normocyte, normocytic, normocytosis, normogenesis, normoglycemia, normoglycemic, normogram, normolaxol, normolineal, normomastic, normomorph, normoplasia, normoproteinemia, normoproteinia, normoretane, normosexual, normoskeocytosis, normoson, normosthenuria, normotension, normotensive, normothermia, normotonic, normotopia, normotopic, normouricuria, normovolemia, normovolemic, normoxic, normtopology, normuscone, Norn, nornarcotine, nornicotine, Norns, nornuciferine, norodin, norol, Norpac, norpace, norphenylephrine, norplicacetin, Norpol, norpolake, norpontevedrine, norpramin, norpregnatrienynediol, norpregneninolone, norpristane, norprodigiosin, norprogestelea, norprogesterone, norpseudoephedrine, Norris, Norroy, norsals, norsanguinarine, Norse, norsel, Norseland, norsells, Norseman, Norsemen, norsenecionandione, norsethite, Norsk, norsterane, norsteroid, norstigmastenol, norsulfazole, norsymoatol, norsympatol, Norta, nortada, norte, north, North Africa, North America, North American Free Trade Agreement, North Atlantic Treaty, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, North Borneo, North Carolina, North Dakota, North Island, North Korea, North Pole, North Sea, North Star, north wind, North Yorkshire, northabout, Northallerton, Northamptonshire, northbound, Northcliffe, northeast, north-east, northeast by east, northeast by north, northeaster, northeasterly, northeastern, north-eastern, northeasterner, northeasternmost, northeastward, north-eastward, northeastwardly, northeastwards, norther, northerliness, northerly, Northern, Northern Cross, Northern Hemisphere, Northern Ireland, northern lights, Northern Marianas, Northern Rhodesia, northern territory, northerner, northernmost, northing, northland, northlander, Northman, northmost, north-northeast, north-north-east, north-northwest, north-north-west, northpaw, Northrop Grumman, Northumberland, Northumbria, Northumbrian, northupite, northward, northwardly, northwards, northwest, North-West, Northwest Passage, northwester, northwesterly, northwestern, north-western, northwesternmost, northwestward, northwestwardly, northwestwards, nortisol, Norton, nortracheloside, nortran, nortriptyline, nortropinon, noruron, norvaline, Norwalk, norward, norwards, Norway, Norway lobster, Norway maple, norway rat, Norway spruce, Norwegian, norwegian elkhound, Norwegian Krone, Norwegian Sea, nor'wester, Norwich, Norwich Terrier, noryl, Nos, Nos., nosazontology, noscapine, nose, nose cone, nose dive, nose ring, nose wheel, no-seam, nosean, noseape, nosebag, noseband, nosebleed, nose-bleed, nosecone, nose-cone, nose-count, nosed, nosedive, nose-dive, nosedrops, nosegas, nosegay, noseglasses, noseguard, noseless, noselite, Nosema, nosemosis, nosencephalus, nosepaint, nosepick, nosepiece, nosepile, nosepipe, noseplate, noseprint, noser, noserag, nose-thumbing, nosetiology, nose-to-tail, nosewarmer, nosewheel, nosewing, nosey, Nosey Parker, nosh, nosher, noshery, no-show, nosh-up, NOSIE, nosily, nosiness, nosing, nosite, nosochthonography, nosocodial, nosocomial, nosocomium, nosode, nosogenesis, nosogenetic, nosogeographic, nosogeography, nosographer, nosography, nosohemia, noso-intoxication, nosology, nosomania, nosometry, nosomycosis, nosophobia, nosophyte, nosopoietic, nosotaxy, nosotherapy, nosotoxicosis, nosotoxin, nosotrophy, no-spark, NOSS, nossels, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostalgically, nostalgist, nostalgize, nostalgy, nostoc, Nostocaceae, nostologic, nostology, nostomania, nostopathy, Nostradamus, nostril, nostriled, nostrilled, nostrils, no-strings, nostro, nostrum, nosy, Nosy Parker, nosydrast, nosykombite, not, not at all, not bad, not necessarily, not to mention, not to say, not yet, nota, nota bene, notabilia, notability, notable, notablely, notables, notably, Notacanthidae, Notacanthiformes, notal, notalgia, notalia, notalin, notam, notamiss, notancephalia, notandum, not-a-number, notaphily, notarial, notarially, notarikon, notarise, notarization, notarize, notary, notary public, notate, notatin, notation, notaulices, notcarry, notch, notchback, notchboard, notched, notcher, notchery, notches, notchgraft, notching, notch-sensitive, notch-tough, notchwing, notchy, note, note payable, note receivable, notebook, notebook computer, notecard, notecase, note-case, noted, notedly, notehead, notekeeping, noteless, notelet, notencephalus, notepad, notepads, notepaper, noter, notes, noteworthily, noteworthiness, noteworthy, notexin, not-for-profit, notgeld, notharctid, nother, 'nother, nothing, nothing but, nothing more than, nothing to do with, nothingarian, nothingness, nothocline, nothofagus, nothosaur, Nothosauria, no-throw, notice, notice board, noticeable, noticeably, notices, Notidanoidea, notifiable, notification, notifier, notify, no-tillage, noting, notion, notional, notionalist, notionate, notioncounter, notionist, notions, Notioprogonia, notitia, notly, notocentrum, notocephalon, notochord, notochordoma, notocirrus, Notodelphyidiformes, Notodelphyoida, notodont, Notodontidae, Notogaea, Notogaean, notogaster, notogenesi, notogenesis, notomelus, Notommatidae, notomycin, Notomyotina, notonectid, NOT-operation, NOT-operator, notopleura, notopodium, notopterale, notopterid, notoriety, notorious, notoriously, notornis, notorrhizalembryo, notos, Notostigmata, Notostigmophora, Notostraca, nototheca, Nototheniidae, notothyrium, no-touch, Notoungulata, notoungulate, no-trump, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Notts, notturno, notum, notungulate, notwithstanding, Nouadhibou, Nouakchott, nougat, nougatine, nought, noughts and crosses, noughts-and-crosses, Noumea, noumeite, noumena, noumenal, noumenalism, noumenally, noumenon, noun, noun phrase, nounal, nounce, nounou, nouns, nouny, noup, nourice, nourish, nourished, nourishing, nourishingsubstance, nourishment, nous, nouser, noust, nouveau, nouveau riche, nouvelle, nouvelle cuisine, nouvelle vague, Nov, Nov., nova, Nova Scotia, novacekite, Novachord, novacine, novaculite, novadral, novae, novain, novakite, novalgin, Novalis, Novalite, Novalon, Novamat, novamin, novar, Novara, novarsenobenzene, Novartis, Novas, novaspirin, novasurol, novate, novation, Novato, novel, novelese, noveletish, novelette, novelettish, novelise, novelist, novelistic, novelize, Novell, novella, novelle, novelly, novels, novelty, novelwright, November, novemdecillion, novena, novenary, novendenary, novennial, novercal, Novgorod, Novial, novice, novice-operator, novices, noviceship, noviciate, novillada, novillero, novillo, novio, novismuth, novit, Novite, novitiate, novobiocin, novocain, novocainamidc, novocaine, Novocastrian, novochlorhydrate, novocillin, novodrin, novoembichin, novoferrogluc, novohexidyl, novohydrazide, Novoid, Novokanstant, Novokonstant, Novokuznetsk, novolac, novolak, no-voltage, novoseptale, Novosibirsk, NOVS, now, now and again, now and then, now matter what, now that, now...now, nowackiite, nowaday, nowadays, Nowakida, nowanights, noway, noways, nowcast, no-wear, nowel, nowhence, nowhere, nowhither, no-win, nowise, Nowitzki, nowness, nowt, nox, noxious, noy, noyade, noyau, Noyes, nozzel, nozzle, nozzlechamber, nozzle-end, nozzleman, nozzles, nozzling, NP, NPA, NPACI, NPAD, NPB, NPC, NPCA, NPCclassification, NPCF, NPD, NPF, NPFRC, NPG, N-phenylsalicylamide, N'-phenylsulfanilamide, NPI, NPK, NPL, NPLs, NPMI, NPN, NPO, NPP, NPPL, NPR, N-precess, N-process, n-propanol, NPRQ, NPS, NPSC, NPSF, NPSH, NPSI, NPSM, NPT, NPU, NPV, NQR, nr, nr., NRA, NRAB, NRC, NRCC, NRCP, NRDB, NRDC, NRE, N-region, N-representability, nritta, nritya, NRL, NRM, NRN, NRO, NROTC, NRP, NRPB, NRS, nrt, NRTS, nrtya, NRU, NRZ, NRZ1, NRZC, NRZI, NRZM, ns, NSA, NSAID, NSAIDs, NSB, NSC, NSCo, NSE, nsec, Nser, NSF, NSFC, NSIS, NSK, Nslookup, NSM, NSN, NSO, NSP, NSPCC, NSPE, NSR, NSRDS, NSS, NSSC, NSSCC, NST, NSTL, NSU, NSV, NSW, Nt, n't, NTA, Ntantia, NTC, NTC-unit, NTD, NTDA, NTE, NTFS, NTG, nth, nthdifferential, NTHM, NTI, NTIS, NT-joining, NTK, NTL, NTM, NTO, N-topdress, NTP, NTPC, NTPD, NTPs, NTR, N-tritylmorpholine, N-truss, NTS, NTSB, NTSC, NTT, NTU, n-tuple, NTV, NTW, n-type, nu, NUAAW, nuance, nuanced, nub, Nuba, nubar, nubbin, nubble, nubbly, nubby, nubecula, Nubeculae, nubia, Nubian, Nubian Desert, Nubians, nubiform, nubile, nubility, nubilose, nubilous, nubk, nuble, Nubrite, nubs, nubuck, nucamentaceous, nucellar, nucellarcap, nucellus, nuces, nucha, nuchal, Nuchar, nucidine, Nucidol, nuciferous, nuciform, nucin, nucite, nucivorous, Nuck, nucleaction, nucleal, nucleant, nuclear, nuclear energy, nuclear family, nuclear fission, nuclear fuel, nuclear fusion, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, nuclear physicist, nuclear physics, nuclear power, nuclear reaction, nuclear reactor, nuclear submarine, nuclear warhead, nuclear waste, nuclear weapon, nuclear-capable, nuclear-free, nuclearfuelledboiler, nuclearism, nuclearist, nuclearity, nuclearization, nuclearize, nuclear-powered, nuclearpropulsion, nuclearsubstance, nucleartipped, nucleary, nuclease, nucleate, nucleated, nucleater, nucleation, nucleator, nuclei, nucleic, nucleic acid,


3G, 401(K), a,


6 Minute English 六分英语

He just kept getting pulled back in.


实习医生格蕾 第2季

Pull back on the retractor, Dr. Karev.

向后勾,Karev 医生。


She blushed and pulled her hand back.



Growth faltered, the currency slumped and foreign donors pulled back.



It should be pulled back a little bit.


当月 CNN 10 学生英语

Indeed, let's pull back a little bit.


当月 CNN 10 学生英语

Let's pull back just a little bit.



Take it back, right hip crease pulls back.



Just pull back a little farther, like this.



I pulled the pillow back over my eyes.



" You pull that back like it" .

" 你把那个回来就好了。"


Pull the left hip crease back.



First, I had to pull back that white sheet.



Try closing one eye and pulling your lips back.


BBC 听力 2021年6月合集

Border posts will be pulled back by three kilometers.



So, the long-term solution is to pull back gracefully.



You have to pull your tongue back very fast.



Leaning down, he grabs the skin and pulls back.



It's as if someone pulls back the curtain.



Look for the tongue pulling back as the lips flare.




nucleokeratin, nucleolar, nucleolate, nucleolated, nucleole, nucleoli, nucleoliform, nucleolinus, nucleologenesis, nucleolonema,


3G, 401(K), a,
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